Billytea, Not sure if these will help with your homesickness!
Hee. Not yet, but I've almost finished another study unit and then sweet oblivion will do wonders.
So they don't taste like violets?
Nah. Their packaging is predominantly violet. I don't think there's any more profound connection.
t Trudy throws up her hands in disgust
Chocolate-covered honeycomb?
By honeycomb do you mean sponge toffee? Because, then, yeah. Side note - I can make sponge toffee. It contains corn syrup and baking soda. And it's yummy.
Trudy throws up her hands in disgust
t waves hands in the air like I just don't care, which is not entirely misleading
Crunchie is better, but VC is easier to find. I like to suck on them, until they get all weird and gooey.
Of course, I also eat Big Turk willingly, so take all this with a grain of crack.
Of course, I also eat Big Turk willingly
t Super Porny Pants is pleased to hear this... but isn't sure if we needed to know the nickname for "little Paul"
I like to suck on them, until they get all weird and gooey.
t stumbling in, wondering if Super Porny Pants approves of this, too
Trudy, Violet Crumble,
This one's like a great big Crunchie except the bubbles inside are much finer and more brittle. However its not violet and it doesn't taste of violets ...
This is the gourmet version of the native Crunchie bar. Unlike a crunchie, which simply dissolves as you crunch, violet crumble is crunchy, THEN chewy, and overall Yummy! The chocolate tastes very slightly coffee-like, but not so much that if you don’t like coffee you wouldn’t like this.
... the name Violet Crumble actually comes from the original founders wife. Albert Hoadly (Hoadley's Violet Crumble) Violet was the name of Alberts wife. The product will be 80 years old in 2003
Basically Violet Crumble crunches, and Crunchie crumbles!
t Super Porny Pants eyes Am-Chau appreciatively and ponders the advantages of a side-kick...
So, Violet Crumble is the Apple Jacks of Oceana?