billytea ... The ABC is showing the original version on Thursday nights but I've only seen a couple of episodes. I never got really into it b/c it reminded me of Cold Feet -- which I did not like at all -- and so I've never given it a proper chance.
Excellent. It is a bit like
Cold Feet, though not as schmoopy. (But then, I liked
Cold Feet.) Anyway, I can now back up my "You must see this" with an actual date and time. Thanks.
I'll give
another chance. It was up against
but now 7 have moved that show to Sunday night and replaced it with
Joe Millionairheads.
I'll give Coupling another chance. It was up against Scrubs but now 7 have moved that show to Sunday night and replaced it with Joe Millionairheads.
I swear, that show's like Drano to the matted hairballs of quality television.
Yes, I know it should be the other way around. All analogies break down sooner or later, and I'm on a schedule here.
(PS: re
Coupling, I recommend especially "The Cupboard of Patrick's Love" - the final in S1 - and "Naked" - penultimate in S2. Not that there's anything wrong with the others.)
"You taped over me - with The Wicker Man?!?"
Hee. I love that show.
A problem I was told, with the principle of the American remake of Coupling is that so much is so much more precise in British humour. There's a very specific knowledge (whether one chooses to live it or not) of what is
in specific situations, which makes a comedy of manners so much less watch-from-the-hall, but more precise and delightful.
No, I have no idea how they're getting around it, but I hope it rocks, because Patrick is being played by a dear friend.
Last I heard, there was a pilot reshoot in the works.
Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister.
Also, Waiting For G-d. (Or, what I expect being old will be like.)
Oh, the ultimate cringeworthy comedy at the moment is this British show The Office. I hear it's huge over there, but it's only on cable here atm so not so popular yet. It's running on ABC from the beginning soon though. Anyone else like this?
The little clips I've seen so far are
excruciatingly close to the bone that I physically cannot watch it. Ricky Gervaise seems to have nailed office life.
Alan Partridge
I can watch, and laugh at, albeit clench-buttocked.
The Royle Family
likewise. But
The Office
just reminds me too much of places I have temped.
The Office
is probably the first situation tragedy. It's brilliant, but at points unwatchable - not because it's cruel, but because it's so incredibly accurate.
This I can believe - and what an exquisite way of putting it.