iss gut ja?
Ja, si, muy gut.
(Behold! I can mix up European languages of which I only know three words each despite having studied them for two years in one case and three in the other! I can also do the funny German accent but when I try to do the John Cleese walk that goes with it I always fall over!)
- personal details deleted. Email me if you missed them -
I don't know Dunfermline very well, but the Perth to Edinburgh bus passes through it.
Ed. Uni or Heriot Watt?
Ed. Uni. My Dad used to teach at Napier. No connection to Heriot.
Er, just for the record: My parents were victims of the McCarthy Era. Actually lost everything and had to start over because of it. And a great many of my family's closest friends suffered in similar ways. And I never for a moment found the title even slightly offensive. But, you know, that's just me.
Ooh, I have people in Dunfermline. Neat. I was six or seven the only time I was there, though.
ALL my non-sibling relatives are UnAmerican. Hell, actually, when push comes to shove, the only USian-by-birth in my generation are my brother and myself.
I *love* the UnAmerican title. It's part of Buffista culture. Lots of things that are part of Buffista culture take a little getting used to, seeing as the language is almost its own dialect at this point.
I would hate to see it lost because it might cause some "eeps" to the unfamiliar-with-our-ways. It's a term in context which I love as much as I love NonUSian.
I'm proud to be an Un-American.
You're a vampire. Oh, I'm sorry. Is that an offensive term? Should I say 'Undead American'?
--When She Was Bad
I'm proud to be an Un-American.
t Susan valiantly fights the urge to filk
I love UnAmerican, because it's co-opting the enemy's language. But I'll leave it up to the Unnies. You'll always be
t insult appropriate insult
to me anyway.