Eee, our Fay, there's trouble at t' mill, etc etc.
I must be thinking of Am-Chau. Who, if she's there, I have to tell is not the daughter of the moon at all, it turns out.
She's the "younger female relative of distance equal to or greater than niece" of the moon. Unless she's just mis-typed "Em-Chau" of course.
Brought to you by "Learning Conversational Vietnamese" and my wife.
and my wife.
Aw, married man. Too cute.
t pets ferret, adjusts cloth cap, hums Dvorak's Hovis tune.
Dvorak's Hovis tune
Do you know that steep cobbled street where that ad was filmed is actually in Devon, near where I come from?
No way!?! Good lord. Never having been to Devon, I rather thought it was like Cornwall. Which, in my mind, means full of palm trees and clotted cream. And tin mines. And dyslexic pixies.
t /foolish
OK I take it back. Not Devon, Dorset. Shaftesbury. But who cares -- I'm from
ooh ar. God I miss real cider.
What? Is
else from Northern Canada?
What? Is nobody else from Northern Canada?
I once met someone who claimed to be from Whitehorse, but I always figure these sorts of stories should be taken with a grain of salt.
Um, can anyone tell me about the books I read years ago, about a thief who was very charismatic and said "thicky" and stuff like that? He was some kind of English.
I once stayed in Whitehorse for a week when I was about 7. We were moving from Alaska to Oregon via the AlCan highway and Dad wrecked the van. We stayed with very nice people we'd never met before who let us help them make their Christmas decorations. I learned how to do little diorama things out of eggshell.