There's always what my gaming group did when I was in college. Everybody kicked in a buck or two, then one or two volunteers would walk to the grocery store 3 (short) blocks away to buy various junk foods.
I always volunteered so I could make sure there were M&Ms.
It's the gays, Sean. They ruined marriage because nobody can tell anymore who's supposed to be shooting people and who's supposed to be in the kitchen making the snacky food.
Brenda's right. You can blame me, a gay. I can handle it. Like a man. Because I am teh gay.
Also, in need of a nap.
Also, in need of a nap.
Or whatever it is her people call a
Also, in need of a nap.
But napping is neither shooting people in the head nor making snacky food! What are you gays, some kind of third sex?
I [heart] all my gays. Esp. meara.
Teh gays are undermining the procurement of snacky foods! Protect your Chex mix!
ETA: Woot! Number slut! Evil plus 1!
Protect your Chex mix!
I originally read this as "Cher mix." And protecting that from the gays was a lost cause long, long ago.
I originally read this as "Cher mix." And protecting that from the gays was a lost cause long, long ago.
The gays invented the Cher mix!
Do you belieeeeve in life after love?