The flag burning admendment will go the floor of the Senate where it is projected to be one vote from being approved. If approved, it will pass in the house easily. This is critical right now because of all the flag burning going on, there was even one reported incident as recently as last year! Fortunately, the language is very vague so people who use to flag to express dissent can be locked away even if burning isn't involved.
Nothing like passing a law to allow the imprisonment of dissenters to celebrate the upcoming Fourth of July, the birthday of the land of the free.
Also, just for irony, from the Federal Flag Code...
(k) The Flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.
Hmmm, I may have to conduct my own taste test to verify Tom's findings re: Kissables vs. M&Ms.
BTW, the Pirates' Pearls M&Ms are delicious.
I wish they had to submit time cards for approval.
You spent how many days on flag burning and English as a National language? Nope, you don't get paid for that. Renaming French fries to Freedom fries? I hope you brought your checkbook.
A work environment should not contain visible belly buttons, navel jewelry, cleavage, or the top of your thong. Unless you work on a pole.
I'm 5'2". I wear a 38F. They start right under my armpit. The only way I can avoid cleavage is to wear something exceedingly unflattering or a turtleneck
5'4", 36F here, and ... yeah. Same sorts of issues. Of course, this is why I add wide non-ruffled lace to the neckline of just about every dress I buy; if I don't, there will be that time when I glance down and think "Wow, I didn't realize I was showing that much bosom."
Oh, aurelia, I would so support that! What a great idea.
Hrm. I was just told they replaced a major part of my ac unit (as opposed to the whole unit) and it works now.
You think I should believe them?
A work environment should not contain visible belly buttons, navel jewelry, cleavage, or the top of your thong.
I'd like to go ahead and extend it to my alma mater's campus as well.
Please don't ban cleavage from college campuses. It's one of the things that helps to make up for the low pay in academia.
I don't think my latest client is actually a person. I think "she" is an AI conducting experiments on humanity, trying to see how much incoherence a person can take before she (in this case, me) loses her mind.
I don't think my latest client is actually a person. I think "she" is an AI conducting experiments on humanity, trying to see how much incoherence a person can take before she (in this case, me) loses her mind.
It's Lost: Office Edition.
I don't think my latest client is actually a person.
Call her and repeatedly hit 6 on a touchtone (I don't think there are rotaries left!) phone. Maybe it will reboot her.