One more reason I like the people I work with/for:
I just sent my NY bosses an email saying
My parents' 50th anniversary is August 25th, and they are having a family party in Tucson, so with [Inhouse Boss lady]'s okay, I am going to take off Thursday the 24th and Friday the 25th.
Big Library Boss emailed back saying
and to think they had you after almost 30 years of marriage!
Conservative Christian attorney threatens to sue Tyndale Publishing over Left Behind game:
[Jack Thompson] has denounced and cut ties with Tyndale House, publisher of the Left Behind novels that inspired the video game, and he is now threatening a lawsuit over its licensing of the game. Talk to Action has obtained a letter from Mr. Thompson in which he has urged Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, Ph.D., to join him in repudiating Tyndale House.
Mr. Thompson has charged that in licensing the game, Tyndale House, publisher of his own book against video game violence as well as the Living Word Bible and several of Mr. Dobson's titles on child-rearing, "has now become one of the mental molesters of minors for money."
TO: Clinic Lady
RE: Snippy Rude Incompetence And Jacking Parents Around
When I transfer a call to you saying that I have a parent on the line who needs a Spanish translator, please do not get all huffy and snippy at me because it turns out that you just transferred him over to me and in your opinion he *doesn't* need a translator (so what is he, a linguistic malingerer? Who are you, the ESL Police?).
(A) If you don't stay on the line and tell me you're transferring the call, I have no way of knowing that, and (B) he just *asked* me, in spectacularly broken and heavily accented English, for a translator. What, you think this worried dad spends his days calling doctors' offices merrily asking for translators he doesn't need just for the hell of it? He's a worried dad; just fucking be nice to him for two seconds and do what he's asking.
Also, if you audibly roll your eyes at me over the phone one more time, I swear to God I will march over to your desk, pluck them from your head, and cram them so far up your ass they pop out your nose. Kthxbye!
Points to Perkins' big boss.
I went to the doctor and she gave me antibiotics for my boo-boo... and wants me to stop in on Wednesday for a followup. So I've already taken my first dose. She says, incidentally, that I'm doing exactly the right thing, even though it's for such a teeny wound.
I'm glad, Theo.
I can imagine even if I were fairly fluent in Spanish, if I had an ill child, I'd like to hear about the illness and treatment in my native tongue. Aye carumba.
Conservative Christian attorney threatens to sue Tyndale Publishing over Left Behind game:
Yeah, that whole game is just so offensive, maybe it's not surprising that it's not uniformly liked by the Christian Right. (In the game, Christian soldiers have to either kill or convert everyone else....)
...and now the plumber is singing.
I suppose demons and magic and the disco inferno are next.
...and now the plumber is singing.
We got the stoppage out!!!
Yeah, that whole game is just so offensive, maybe it's not surprising that it's not uniformly liked by the Christian Right.
Seriously -- when James Dobson is being called upon to be the voice of reason against far-right Christian supremacist whackaloonery? Pretty much the textbook definition of "gone too far."
[eta: Granted, Jack Thompson also has lawsuits pending against pretty much EVERY video game on the market, but it's still nice to see that it's not just us godless liberals who find this game unbelieveably offensive.]