See what I do for the P-C!?!?!)
I'm sorry, Nora. *hugs*
I, too, have heard tales of folks fooling around before their arranged marriages, but it's been very illicit. Girlfriends are a no-no. If I am seen within ten feet of a girl, she's assumed to be my girlfriend (no, really, there was all this behind-my-back suspicion going on a couple years ago when my uncle picked me up and saw me with a girl (in addition to a boy, but: GIRL!)). When you're under this kind of scrutiny, everything feels illegal.
When you're under this kind of scrutiny, everything feels illegal.
I'm assuming you won't be showing them pictures from the F2F, then?
Sitting firmly in the It's Not Lying If You're Just Leaving Out Certain Details camp.
Go ahead. Try to act surprised.
I did, however, break a tooth on a bone chip in a burger yesterday. Dentist at one today.
Dentist and tooth ~ma to you, Bev! Poor you.
Lots of health and recovery ~ma to many of our lovely Bitches!
I'm assuming you won't be showing them pictures from the F2F, then?
I haven't shown them pictures in years because so many of them involve either girls or locations I did not tell them I was going.
Besides, even if your family came up with perfect canidate, you are a few years ( or more) from being ready for marriage.
Actually, I think I expire this year. And now that I have a job, clearly, it's time to get married.
Has your family been introducing you to any Indian women?
everything feels illegal.
and what you are developing now, is your own sense of right and wrong. Hard yes, but everyone goes through it. Once again, for future relationships, it will be so much easier. you be able to see what your family thinks, see reality, and then know inside that these things might be different.
Belated Hello to Margaret T. Welcome!
Bev, much tooth~ma and may I just say "ow" in sympathy?
P-C, what everyone else has said. Kissing is good. It's also pretty much a pass when there is no commitment anywhere. I know it may be different in your family's culture, but amongst most of us USians, we find any excuse to kiss, because, repeat after me--kissing is good. Not telling your mother you've been kissing girls is not a bad thing. Just, ya know, don't get caught by mom. *g*
I think I expire this year
now I have to wonder what happens if you expire. Will it be like 'old maids that were on the shelf in the regency romance novels. Will people just look at you , sigh , shake ther heads, and say 'It's such a shame'. and be astonished that anyone female even talks to you?
That is exactly what will happen, beth. EXACTLY.