A Zmayhemsprog! Wheeeee! You know this means absolutely everyone is going to invade your space and pat your tummy, JZ. Be prepared.
erika, congratulations on getting published, again! Soon, you'll be taking over the publishing world with Deb.
I have no eep or gronk, but my full sympathies are with Nora this morning. My daughter had to kick her roommate out today and she was very angsty over it. But, she warned him what the conditions were and he broke them. When you set boundaries, ya gotta stick to them. I've been reassuring her since last night that she did the right thing. I'm very proud of her because this is a place where she's had issues in the past. I hope your friend listens to you and really hears what you have to say.
Well, the exciting part is that it's a bit of fiction...that has been my New Year's resolution for two years.
What? Where? When? Details, woman.
WOOOOOS and HOOOOOOS!!! Yay to new Buffista baby!!! Congrats, JZ and Hec!
Also, CONGRATS to erika!!! Yayayayayayay!!!!
Beej, you and the Fella and Bartleby are all adorable.
yay erika! Also, yes, publication details, please.
I am delighted to report that the Halloweenie has a heart, containing four chambers consisting of a pair each of atria and ventricles, along with an aorta that both ascends and descends as it ought and also has an aortic arch that arches properly, and a fully functioning mitral valve that... err... mitres, I guess. Anyhow, no parts are missing and everything seems to be in good working order.
Also, the tech took a picture of the Halloweenie's ass, and he and the doctor have both scrutinized said ass at length and have come to the joint conclusion that it is very likely the ass of a girl.
Wee bairn Halloweenie! With 'rents like hers, she'll have a heart bigger than the great outdoors. No doubt about it.
(and no longer afraid of spilling wrong things in response to totally unrelated Halloweenie references)
eta, this:
Halloweenie has a heart, containing four chambers consisting of a pair each of atria and ventricles, along with an aorta that both ascends and descends as it ought and also has an aortic arch that arches properly, and a fully functioning mitral valve that... err... mitres, I guess.
aside from being, of course, very excellent news, sounds like it should be song lyrics by either TMBG or the Animaniacs.
Oh Spidra, thank goodness your brother is alright. That's a mercy in a sea of wrong, wrong, wrongness. Bless you both.
eta: I can TOTALLY hear TMBG singing about Halloweenie's noble heart!
Congratulations, Zmayhems!
I was 7 when my bro was born and I remember it being tough to be an only child for so long and then have to share. Hugs to Emmett. He'll be a great big brother!
I was 3 1/2 when my sister was born. I remember noticing that I was getting less attention from everyone since I was no longer the baby of the family. I realized that I'd never get that much attention ever again - it made me sad, but I understood why things had to be like that.