Nora, good for you. Seriously, sometimes I just want to shake my clients who have a need to stay tethered to losers and share their gleeful misery. Upfront and realistic is sometimes the greatest gift you can give anyone. Be strong!
erika! Congrats on the publishing, even if it was a long time coming. Published! Again! Good on ya.
After my plea for facepainting ideas on Saturday, I ended up winging it with decent results.
Here are the results, including a gratuitous smooch shot with Fella I included to show off my short hair to David. Plus a coupla shots of Bartleby and Fella. cuz I'm crazy about them both.
eta:Hey, could someone please check that link? When I click it, I get the admin page. Not sure if it works outside my system.
Congrats on getting published again, erikaj!
In less exciting, but still happy-making-for-me news, I'm finally getting a new sofa. Or rather, a sofa period, since it isn't replacing an old one. It'll be delivered this Friday. I can finally invite multiple localistas over and have a place for them to sit that isn't the floor.
Eggs-and-bacon: Beej, when I clicked on the link, I was told there were no photos in that collection.
Thanks Calli, I'm off to fix it.
ETA: Try this link for the photos.
ETAA: Huh, the link goes to the unedited version of the collection, without captions or effects. Some of the pics are weirdly pixelated. I'll have to fix that too.
man, pregnancy makes you gassy; not enough of the books warn you sufficiently about that
Oh, cripes. Sorry, I should have warned you about that.
Yay, erika! Is this the House essay being published?
man, pregnancy makes you gassy; not enough of the books warn you sufficiently about that
Truer words were never spoken.
Well, the exciting part is that it's a bit of fiction...that has been my New Year's resolution for two years.
Not quite like creating a person, though, by any means.
JZ, invest in a good propeller, strap it to your ass and fly to work.
And also
YAY BABY!!!!! Baby baby baby!