My understanding is that a threat is assault. "I'm going to hit you!" = assault. Actually hitting = battery.
The terrible no-good shoes apparently do not exist online. Which means I'll have to take my own good picture of them in order to sell them. Ugh.
It used to be that battery was defined as unlawful touching (basically) and assault was attempted battery. I don't think a lot of jurisdictions have that distinction anymore.
most jurisdictions have combined assault and battery into one crime.
What makes something more than misdemeanor battery? Or is that just an arbitrary distinction?
What comes after (is more severe) than misdemeanor battery?
The legal confluence of assault and battery makes me sad. I liked the idea that we laypeople thought they were the same, but they really weren't.
What comes after (is more severe) than misdemeanor battery?
I think (and why am I bothering with actual lawyers around? because it's the internet and I have a Post message button) that there also exists felony battery.
Found the black skirt!
I think (and why am I bothering with actual lawyers around? because it's the internet and I have a Post message button) that there also exists felony battery.
That's what I figured - are those the only two categories?
Also, how much force are you allowed to use to defend yourself? If someone clearly is trying to kill you, obviously you can do whatever is necessary to defend yourself, including killing them back. But what if, say, someone "just" wants to beat you up, and in the process of defending yourself you happen to pick up a shard of glass and stab them in the neck and they die? I mean (for the sake of this example) you took action that you knew might kill the other person....
What makes something more than misdemeanor battery? Or is that just an arbitrary distinction?
It's a severity issue. Slapping someone is less serious than hitting them with a baseball bat, for example.
What comes after (is more severe) than misdemeanor battery?
felony battery, punishable by a year or more in jail. (the general distinction between misdemeanor and felony)
strangers waiting underneath my car to lick my toes = SO MUCH EW!
sara, as I do not have a car, I think I am ok to wear open toed shoes. Also? any stranger who licks or attempts to lick any part of me? KICK TO THE FACE OR NUTS - whichever is closer to my foot.
I hate to break it to you, msbelle, but there are foot-lickers in NYC, too: [link]