I think TiVO caught Colin. At least, it said it would. Thanks for the heads up, though!
Do you think they were dopey, or had their mother on speakerphone?
I could not work it out. I was trying not to laugh the whole time, because I was up paying for my prescription the whole time they were doing this. "Struthers?" "Yes." "Okay, Struthers. S-T-R-U-T-H-E-R-S?" "Yes." "Can you sign this Miss Sally Struthers?" "Okay." "Thank you Ms Struthers."
I fully intended to get home early, but then I stayed in case I had to drive the woman whose nose I broke to the hospital. Didn't have to in the end.
Today is weird. This week is weird.
you broke someone's nose?
Did you do it with your stompy foot?
A little? Is this possible?
I just started watching tonight's ep of The Unit and I am very confused.
If you're starting off the excercise with "You're prisoners of war," how is that SERE training? I mean, you've just skipped the SE and gone straight to the R. Shouldn't you call it something else?
A little? Is this possible?
She didn't even feel it. It felt weird through my glove--knuckle to nose, or something. We stopped sparring, and she was leaking tears--"I'm not crying because it hurts," she said, which made me think something was maybe kinda wrong. That and that her nose looked slightly more over to the left than it had been ten minutes ago. She didn't think anything of it until I made her look in the mirror. It didn't bleed until we went to the locker room.