Cheerful Monday-morning headline:
Interstellar Deathray Not Likely to Hit Earth
Doomsayers and Chicken Little-types can now strike "deathray from a star" from their list of possible ways to die.
A new study finds that the chances of a gamma ray burst going off in our galaxy and destroying life on Earth are comfortingly close to zero.
Gamma ray bursts, or GRBs, are focused beams of gamma radiation emitted from the magnetic poles of black holes formed during the collapse of ancient, behemoth stars. They can also form when dead neutron stars merge with each other or with black holes.
All of our pre-war intelligence said that Iraq had interstellar deathrays....
I usually resort to pleading and contortions. And drugs.
Oof, can I get some general workma today? We are in for it today, big time.
CEO is on the warpath, and of our four VPs, one quit effective immediately at 5 pm on Friday, two are out, and the only here is my boss. Plus CEO's Blackberry isn't working, which generally means fireworks even when everything else
falling all to shit.
Fire in the hole! Wish me luck in making it through with only flesh wounds.
holy carp, brenda. Good luck. Watch your back!
Man, brenda. Your Monday is really living the cliche.
Interstellar Deathray Not Likely to Hit Earth
Bad news for Interstellar Deathrays 'R' Us, though.
Hide under your desk. And leave a BIG bowl of chocolate on it with a sign encouraging people to partake.
Dammit! I could really have used one of those interstellar death rays today.
Interstellar Deathray Not Likely to Hit Earth
I'm thinking it's aimed at brenda's office (or maybe should be, after she evacuates).
Good luck, Brenda!
Does that work? Giving your body what for? Maybe mine is incorrigible.
Well, no, I can't say that it actually works, in the sense of one's body shaping up, but it can't hurt, right?