Hey, Hec! How are you doing? Yes, I'm a skipper, I have no idea, I'm sorry.
What?! You haven't been tracking my life with the Hourly Hec Updates? And you call yourself a friend? Hmph.
Let's see: unemployed, which means lots of time to work on the new book, which is good and exciting. It's great to be able to just stretch with my own writing. This book is solely by me, so it's all my words and I'm really loving that. The boss who fired me, incidentally, just quit that job also. I don't know who's doing that work now, really.
Also: After getting rained out for the entire month of March (5 games) Emmett's Little League Baseball season finally got started on Wednesday. And we had another game yesterday and another one today and another one next Wednesday. So it's baseball galore.
Also: JZ and I went on a trip to Las Vegas last weekend. Phil the Gambler paid for it as a belated wedding present. We had dinner and breakfast with him and his GF (Jennifer the Actress) - they treated us to very fancy meals and put us up at a very fancy hotel (Bellagio). We also saw ND and Kristin in Las Vegas and went out with them one night. All very fun.
That's mostly it. Did you survive Passover? I know it's always a bit grueling for you to make your way through all that cleaning and prep.
Hec, I'll have to awe you an answer for the next time we get to post together, because a friend just called and I have to run out, OK?
I've been having trouble getting my printer to feed. It kept going in on the right, but not the left. I checked the troubleshooting stuff at the epson site. I tried feeding paper through repeatedly. Eventually, I was tugging on a piece of paper to pull it through, and I see this silver corner. "Oh, shit," I think, "I've pulled something loose." But, well, now it's loose, and the paper's still stuck, so I pull it the rest of the way out. And, with the paper, the silver thing comes out. Only it's not a piece of the printer. It's a benadryl, in one of those bubble packs. Apparently, my printer was feeling congested.
If anyone has any good suggestions, I'm open to hearing them.
I can give you a copy of your story and you can pass it out. Betcha none of them have their ownes chapter in a book.
I vacuumed 2 rooms, and the vacuum cleaner died. Probably just needs a new filter, but we don't have one (we get them by mail every 6 months from the manufacturer), so I guess I can't do any more vacuuming today! Oh well, at least the 3 hallway rugs got done, and they needed it most.
Now I just need FreshDirect to get here so I can head out to TJ's and get stuff for lunch this week.
Based on the fact that it's almost 1pm and I haven't yet shaved or showered, I predict I will be a big ball of uselessness today.
Do I want New York style pizza for lunch, or a BLTA(vocado) and home fries?
We get organic tomatoes at the farmer's market (NC) starting in April, but they're greenhouse organic. For outdoor-grown, it's late June, I think. I've had my own from my garden in early July, and I'm sure the actual farmers are better about planting seedlings on time than I am! Eggplant, about the same I'd expect (never seen greenhouse eggplant!)
My daughter is capering about naked singing Jingle bells. I fed her plain pasta and canned black olives for lunch, too. Bad mother, or creative? You decide!