I vacuumed 2 rooms, and the vacuum cleaner died. Probably just needs a new filter, but we don't have one (we get them by mail every 6 months from the manufacturer), so I guess I can't do any more vacuuming today! Oh well, at least the 3 hallway rugs got done, and they needed it most.
Now I just need FreshDirect to get here so I can head out to TJ's and get stuff for lunch this week.
Based on the fact that it's almost 1pm and I haven't yet shaved or showered, I predict I will be a big ball of uselessness today.
Do I want New York style pizza for lunch, or a BLTA(vocado) and home fries?
We get organic tomatoes at the farmer's market (NC) starting in April, but they're greenhouse organic. For outdoor-grown, it's late June, I think. I've had my own from my garden in early July, and I'm sure the actual farmers are better about planting seedlings on time than I am! Eggplant, about the same I'd expect (never seen greenhouse eggplant!)
My daughter is capering about naked singing Jingle bells. I fed her plain pasta and canned black olives for lunch, too. Bad mother, or creative? You decide!
I vote creative as well.
In the meantime, I've been out to Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, and despite a horribly bad driver on Mem Drive (trying to stop when there was a green GO arrow at the traffic light; I resorted to my rarely-used tactic of
beeping my horn repeatedly
but she so deserved it) my mood has improved somewhat.
I spent yesterday sick as a nauseated, vertiginous dog, so am desperately trying to make up the work. Back to school tomorrow. I'm not ready!
Oog. Hope you're feeling significantly better, Emily.
Hec, I went shopping at Monterey Market yesterday (which was one of the worst shopping experiences EVAH, but that's another story). They had local hothouse tomatoes. But I think you're right that we won't be seeing non-hothouse organic for a little while. However, tomato starts are on sale at nurseries and as long as this rain doesn't continue forever, I think we'll see tomatoes before August.
I've got a gig tonight. I've tried, but I haven't gotten the song (I'm part of an ensemble so I only have to carry my solo number) down yet. There would be ways around this if it weren't for the fact that the whole point of the night is to play a certain album entirely on ukulele. So...I'm a little less excited about performing than usual today. I did some stuff yesterday but not enough. I'm hoping that my worry about tonight won't make me unproductive today but I'm not sanguine about my chances.
Well, it took me a while to get up this morning because I was afraid to find out that I was still leaning sideways, but that seems to have gone away. Still working on my motivation, though. Blech!
Must be farmer's market day we bought fennel, nuts, apple cider,naan and stuff to go with Naan. This was a new-to-us farmer's market. If we can find easier parking it could become a regular place. lots of strawberries, beats, various greens , peapods, and oranges.