ImememeN, I was up all night with another toothache. Why do my teeth hate me so?Oh, no. You poor baby.
Also, it's my grandmother's 90th birthday today. There is no appropriate way to explain how perfect it is that her birthday is April Fool's Day. Nope, none.C'mon, girl. You're a writer, for heaven's sake.
vw, here's a note for your roommate:
Dear [Not!Emily],
I got your note this morning. I intended to clean this morning anyhow, but was unable to, because your houseguest slept in, and I was afraid you would be angry if I woke her, so that I could start cleaning. I planned to start on the dishes once she woke, but then she got in the shower. There was insufficient hot water to do them after she showered.
Once the hot water finally returned, I needed to take my own shower. I'm sure you'll understand, as I have not been able to shower, since my latest medical escapade began. I should probably mention here that I have been forbidden to dust and vacuum, because there were static electricity issues with my monitor, otherwise, I would have tackled those chores earlier in the week, when I was unable to leave the house.
Since the state of the apartment is bothering you, I'm sure you'll understand when I say that it is bothering me, even more. This is what I'm wondering, though: I'm wondering why you would think I clean, or would clean for you? Emily and I are friends and long-time roommates, and have our own arrangements between us, as to who handles what, when and why--based on our strengths and interests. I have no such arrangement with you, nor any desire to enter into such an arrangement with you.
Since you would like the apartment up to your standards, in order to please your houseguests, and because my cleaning plans were thwarted by your previous houseguest, I suggest you clean it before they arrive, otherwise, I see no way it is going to be in shape, before they get here.
Then, vw? You take your own crap outta the living room (books, craft stuff, etc.), and shove it in your bedroom, and close the door 'til you feel like dealing with it. Put away whatever of your own stuff you might have left on the bathroom and kitchen counters, etc., do yours and Emily's dishes (ONLY), and you plop yourself in front of the TV, and watch it 'til your eyes fall out of your head.
You've had severe asthma, a painfully debilitating physical reaction to the steroids that were prescribed to treat the asthma, and were under your doctor's orders to stay off your feet. As soon as that started to let up, you started having SEIZURES SO FREQUENTLY AND SEVERELY THAT YOU WERE HOSPITALIZED. Now, no matter what is causing the seizures, you're having them, and it's fricking scary, and you've had to walk around for half the week with A FRIGGING MONITOR ATTACHED TO YOUR HEAD.
I think just *MAYBE* Not!Emily could have done a little housework, out of human decency, particulary as he can apparently get his knickers in a twist when the housework isn't done. It's one thing if he was happily wallowing in slobdom. Some people don't care about housework enough to notice what's not done. I bear them no ill will. But someone who is going to leave you a note as if you worked for him? He needs to be set straight.