Cindy, I am Right. There. With you.
I want to smack the bejayzus out of him. I realise that I only know a bit of the story, and I know that I'm a total slob myself, and just Very Bloody Lucky that my flatmate has a similar level of mess tolerance to me, but for the love of little green apples, what PLANET is this bloke from?
Clearly a planet which I shall never be visiting, unless it is with the intention of making lots of mess and kicking some ass.
vw, I know you have been wanting to tidy up, and if the process of straightening things helps you feel better, then that's fair enough. But washing up his stuff?
Bugger that for a game of soldiers.
Thanks, Cindy. I originally thought I was irrationally angry, but I've realized that I'm not. I just wish I was better at dealing with it.
He just got home from his hockey game. He *thanked* me for doing the dishes, like I'd done him a favor. Whatev.
Also, he hasn't paid his rent yet. He promised cash to Emily this morning. But, then he got up late and had to run off to his game. I called him at his game and asked him to remember to stop and get it before he came home. After all this bullshit, he came home without it. Now he's taking a shower, then he's gonna run out to get the money. AFTER Emily's bank has closed for the day.
I'm really quite pissed.
And now his GF if washing the pan I left for him. Lazy ass.
Is it cast iron? Can you whack him with it?
CAN I????
Alas, it is not cast iron, but yes, you can whack him with it. I think it would still hurt.
Damn it, now she's wiping down the counters, so I look like a lazy ass.
Um. I don't like Not!Emily. At all.
I think he's a jerk and I hope all of the hot water was gone when he took his shower.
What a putz.
You do not look lazy! You look like a woman with electrodes stuck to your head!
Not!Emily is inconsiderate and lazy. He obviously doesn't care that you've been sick and have
electrodes stuck to your head.
He has guests over that use all your hot water, he's late with the rent, and he evidentally leaves his girlfriend to do his cleaning up for him.
Reasonable, nice people pick up the slack and don't leave nasty notes when their roommate has been sick and has to have electrodes stuck to her head.
Aimee and Fay, I have three cast iron pans. I can drive us to Somerville in 10 to 15 minutes. What time can you be here?
Can I come too, Cindy? I have a really good poking stick and I may even still have a whip around here somewhere.