FOX:"All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could It Be a Good Thing?" >[link]
A blogger says, "I seem to remember that any mention of a civil war in Iraq by a Democrat was grounds for being declared a traitor and giving comfort to our enemy just a little while back."
Sarameg, my mind is boggling at the thought of how small the population of SD is. I'm so used to big cities.
That news item makes me ill on behalf of all the women in South Dakota (and, no doubt, eventually the other 49). Thank God both my senators voted against both Roberts and Alito, though this means I can't even call their offices and bitch them out about it, and I know from sorry experience that politicians in other states tend to not give a shit when they get angry calls and letters from outlanders.
ostrich stance.
Is that anything like a buffalo stance?
The snotty way that my Senators have responded to my emails and letters indicates that they give less than a shit about the concerns of my particular blueberry in this sea of tomato soup that is Texas.
ostrich stance.
Which in a few years will be replaced by the lemming stance. Or maybe 'rats deserting a sinking ship' stance.
my mind is boggling at the thought of how small the population of SD is. I'm so used to big cities.
Driving through it, the number surprises me not at all. It's very empty.
What's odd to me is how many people I know from SD.
What's odd to me is how many people I know from SD.
They are noisy about it or so many flee. That's my rationale for running into people from my hometown all over. It would work for SD too. Actually, both those explain how I know the particular cousin mentioned earlier. She left SD, landed in my hometown, ran into my mom because of a shared name, discovered they were related, etc. After her divorce she left my hometown to go back to SD. So that's like this whole weird circular black hole of small worldness.