And you just know someone will file a class action suit that will be settled by having that warning message printed on every package of pencils manufactured for here on.
It's only right and proper that every pencil (and in a few years, every pen too) have the words DO NOT INSERT INTO PENIS printed on them.
We just didn't know it until now.
It's only right and proper that every pencil (and in a few years, every pen too) have the words DO NOT INSERT INTO PENIS printed on them.
At least a pen doesn't carry the risk of splinters. More parts, though.
At least a pen doesn't carry the risk of splinters. More parts, though.
Might have been a mechanical pencil. However, then there's no got wood joke.
I find myself wondering if he, perhaps, hollowed out the pencil so he could ejaculate, or if that hadn't crossed his mind between thinking
was a good idea and actually carrying out the doltish deed.
Hmm. "Clicking your Bic" takes on new possibilities if it's a pen.
God that would make maturbation noisy.
click click click clickclickclickclick
Might have been a mechanical pencil. However, then there's no got wood joke.
I once had a wooden mechanical pencil.
At least a pen doesn't carry the risk of splinters. More parts, though.
I also have a combination pen/laser pointer.
God that would make maturbation noisy.
Also very messy, if one was using a fountain pen.
I read a horrid romance novel once that talked about the hero writing messages of love on the (I'm sorry to say) womb of the heroine. At the time I wondered what the writing instrument was.
Now I know.
I also have a combination pen/laser pointer.
An hour ago that wouldn't have sounded like TMI.