My Olympic Seekrit BoyToy* Bode Miller
got disqualified for straddling a gate in the slalom today, after winning the race. He seems philosophical, noting that he's been disqualified 5 of 7 times in slalom this year alone.
- Formerly known as Olympic Seekrit Boyfriend (Who Fell On His Ass In 2002 And Still Won), but then I decided he was really not someone I could be that serious about. But cuuuute with the irresponsible.
cuuuuuute indeed, flea, but possibly nsm with the smart.
See, if your Olympic Seekrit BoyToy
had been a figure skater, he'd have gotten a do over.
Jesus is biting cats on the ass now?
Well, he hasn't
As far as I know.
Hey, maybe that's the explanation for the spaz outs.
Maybe he really does need to reconsider that shot of Jaeger at the gate.
The 3D rooms are awesome, but I think I would get nauseous if I had to live/work there.
Wait - is Jesus biting Bode on the ass at the starting gate now?? That would explain some wild skiing.
The 3D rooms are awesome, but I think I would get nauseous if I had to live/work there.
I dunno - I think it'd just look like some random painted lines unless you were at exactly the right spot.
Well, maybe if you got
to the right spot, it might make your visual cortex do the wacky....