We had a cat who was a regular church-goer. No, seriously, the church was across the street and in the summer they'd leave the doors open for ventilation and he'd hang out there all the time.
I remember the scene in the final Little House book, when Laura and Mary are at church one summer Sunday and Laura sees a kitten walking around, rubbing up against the lecturn while the preacher is giving his sermon. But then a puppy also enters the church, sees the kitten, and gives chase down the aisle. The cat disappears, leaving Laura to wonder where it went to, when all of the sudden she feels her hoops start to sway under her dress--the kitten has taken shelter under her skirt and is crawling up the hoop. That's when Laura loses it, because all she could think about was what would happen if the dog found the cat. Mary is poking her in the ribs, telling her not to laugh in church, Laura's turning purple from repressing her giggles, and the dog is sniffing around for the cat. Finally, it leaves, disappointed, the cat climbs down, peeks out, and bolts out of the church, and Mary is left asking Laura what got into her after service was over.
One of the funnier moments in those books, and now I want to reread some of them!
I enjoyed this quote about the NYC condoms from gawker:
Naturally, the branding will only discourage New Yorkers from having protected sex — but at least we can keep the tourists from spreading their diseases.
Also, those 3D painted rooms are so cool! But seem like possibly more trouble than they're worth.
In those 3-D rooms the illusions appear at night ... imagine getting up in the middle of the night and seeing that!
Leif sometimes will run up the lobster tank and yell "Hi Monsters!"
I introduced Casper the Amazing Wonder Niece to the lobster tank in a seafood place this past August. She was totally mesmerized, staring at them (from above).
I am pretty sure, based on her enjoyment of the New England Aquarium this winter, that she did not know the lobsters in the Net Worth tank were going to be dinner rather than exhibits.
I hope the NYC condoms are aggresively marketed at tourists and made piles of money for the city.
I am pretty sure, based on her enjoyment of the New England Aquarium this winter, that she did not know the lobsters in the Net Worth tank were going to be dinner rather than exhibits.
I was convinced until I was 6-ish that the lobster tank at the store was a stray part of the pets section.
I'm so sorry for the not getting back to you about Sunday. I'm so grateful for the offer and want to do it but need to check on a prior commitment. Please don't leave the time open if you have other things, but if not, I'll get back to you asap.
And, sorry for the non-e response but I'm not at my home account.
In a statement released yesterday, the health department said it was "currently developing the first NYC-branded condom, to be released in coming months."
The coming months? Which ones are those? Isn't that pretty much every month?
t /bitches-type response.
I'm home for lunch. I haven't been picked for anything yet.
They let us out early for lunch, so I have time to go home and have a cup of tea. Yay.
One of the people in the jury pool had the last name "Valentine". She got picked for a case.
wouldn't know My Lord And Savior Jesus Christ if He bit him in the ass.
Jesus is biting cats on the ass now? Did Pat Robertson infect Him or something?