DH brought me home two dozen roses on Sunday. One dozen for each kid.
That's lovely.
That's a good quote just in general, Beej - and talk about timing. And, no, I did not know that Starbuck's cups had quotes on them. There's a thing I learned today.
Hope everyone has a good day, be it Valentiney or not.
This, however, is not a joke (at least I don't think so): Rapture Ready
From the site: The End Times Are Screaming at Us!
Christian Persecution
Christians can no longer pray in Jesus' Name or voice their Christian beliefs without serious consequences or being accused of "intolerance"; however, people who follow other religions can pray in the name of Allah, the Dali Lama, or whatever. Pastors are being jailed or persecuted for preaching that homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible.
Um... no.
That's kind of an excellent quote. Go Starbucks.
That's what I was thinking Jen. Good thought for any day. (looking askance at the commitment I might be making to my business life as well...)
I AM shocked at shrift's lack of hot sexxxy men, and suspect it means she needs to MOVE AWAY FROM MICHIGAN.
Well, to be fair, it's not like I'm
to meet anybody.
Imagine being taken to streets of gold while your dog starves to death walking around in his own feces trapped in your small house or apartment, subject to fire and earthquakes or even being eaten by heathens searching for any remaining morsel of food. Do you want that to happen?
Imagine actually believing in this doctrine. Do you want to worship a god who might someday be arrested on Animal Precinct?
Craxxy is one thing, and to each her own version of it, but cynical exploitation of teh craxxy is pretty low.
Aw -- the Style Network says HVD to me by re-running "my" Isaac right now!
Imagine actually believing in this doctrine. Do you want to worship a god who might someday be arrested on Animal Precinct?
EXACTLY. (pardon the asscaps, but sheesh!)
serves the heathen pets right. My cats have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior and have been baptised into the faith.
t /crazy
Selling stuff on ebay makes me so happy.