Seriously. My reality is in a seriously altered state. In a way that is like, serious. A buddy dropped by with a bottle of Macallan Gran Reserva and we indulged to the point where he is snoring on the couch and I am showing my ass on the internet.
Thank each and every God in the Pantheon for the spellcheck feature in the google toolbar.
Gus, is this the web version of the drunken office party where everyone photocopies their butts?
I don't know. I have lately been working in IT, a field in which most of the participant are quite certain that their butts should not be committed to print, no matter how drunk they might be at the moment.
When I look back at my life, I can at least comfort myself that I never photocopied, faxed or scanned my butt.
wrod.ETA: Although I wish I'd felt crazy enough to, once.
Me, either.
I have had my boobs phone-photo'd, but mea culpa: I was (a) drunk, (b) in bed, and (c) faceless.
And it was a good shot!
My ass? NEVAH.
So I am going to attempt an outing though I really don't feel like it, don't want to jeapordize my newfound health, and my skin looks like ass because of the aforementioned unhealth.
Can someone please remind Mr. Jane that as unfun as it is to spend time at home with your sick wife, it's much less fun to be the stuck at home sick wife? Heaven forfend I rain on anyone's parade.
Ok. Confession time. I faxed my willy to a ladyfriend once.
I am not proud of this.
A buddy dropped by with a bottle of Macallan Gran Reserva
YaY! So, do you have a photocopier handy?
Ouch! Didn't it kinda hurt passing through the fax machine?
Daisy needs to fax her butt picture to Mr. Jane.