I tried that scrubbing bubbles stuff.
Pretty much if I pimp something that cleans? Easy peasy. For I am laze in the glow of housework.
I am now hungry. Need to find something that will be easy on my tummy
and not any more horrible than it needs to be if the naseau decides my fate
Damn. Leather necklace just broke. I shall deal with it later.
As much as I love the part of the country I live in, I live in such the wrong part when it comes to food. OTOH, there's been an influx of legal and not immigrants who share my tastes to the area. Just not enough.
Funny thing is, I've come to realize how very very tiny and unique Southern New Mexican food is. You've got a swath of maybe 60 miles running the border and the Rio Grande valley that has its own style of cooking. Heavy on the green chile and corn. Even up in ABQ, the dominant flavor is red chile. Go too far into TX, and it is texmex, heavy on beef in everything. But right there on the border? You will find green chile and chicken and pork, fluffy corn gorditas and baked (not smothered) enchiladas. It's a hotter and yet lighter taste (though heavy on the cheese.)
Lori had chicken posole with green chiles in it. Out of a can, as a matter o' fact.
I've come to realize how very very tiny and unique Southern New Mexican food is.
And delicious. Don't forget the mmmm deliciousness part.
Want green chilis in things now. Instead? TJ's mashed taters from a box.
anyone know the size limits for the automated postal centers?
Lori had chicken posole with green chiles in it. Out of a can, as a matter o' fact.
OK, that's FREAKY. Because the version of posole I make is totally made up. I don't like red that much, I'm more comfortable with chicken than pork, hence green chile chicken posole. The real key (in order) is the hominy, (and broken up corn tortillas,) oregano, heat, onion and some kind of fat, really.
The Boston PBS station just showed an episode of the UK version of The Office, and then the UK version of Coupling! It was the Lesbian Spank Inferno episode. My god, I love that show.
I am dead. But I can't die until tomorrow. My head...well, it doesn't hurt, but it's weird. Everything just collapsed in on me near the end, and it was hard.
Tomorrrow will also be hard, but today's instructor thinks we can do it. I can do it.
I don't know. But I do have to try.