I am dead. But I can't die until tomorrow. My head...well, it doesn't hurt, but it's weird. Everything just collapsed in on me near the end, and it was hard.
Tomorrrow will also be hard, but today's instructor thinks we can do it. I can do it.
I don't know. But I do have to try.
Can your computer read MP3 CDs? I can't remember.
I think so. It doesn't burn them well, but I think it can read them.
oh, and ita? I have a little something for you when you finish this craziness you are going through (yes, I mean the testing, not the body craziness).
So this afternoon, after I left work the first time, I got an reply email to an email I sent out on Friday to one of the partners', saying (nicely) that she thought I was wrong about something. I wasn;t sure if I was or not, and I didn't want it hanging over my head all weekend, so I went back after I dropped JZ off, and spent 10 minutes finding out that I wasn't wrong.
did you send her a neener neener neener email?
Not really. I'm hoping I get to send it to someone else on Monday.
But I do have to try.
Exactly as it should be.
Reminds me, I should go re-med myself. I hate feeling dopey but the alternative is worse, so I will med up.
Pout! I still can't see the PR videos, even with the plug in Tom linked to this morning.