I'm trying to come up with one about his not having superpowers -- but I can't do the punchline. So far, I've got:
Batman doesn't have superpowers. He doesn't need them. His focus is so intense that superpowers were
repelled? afraid to get too close?
Timelies all!
Well, phooey. We were supposed to get together tonight with a friend of ours who is visiting from out of town, but she had to cancel.(Her husband's grandfather died, and they need to get to Florida for the funeral)Haven't seen her in a number of years, but hopefully there'll be a next time soon.
I added one! It might be dumb.
Batman does not use hair product. His hair does what it is told.
There are infinitely many universes. The only thing that all these universes have in common is that each has a Batman.
I think this may mean that Batman proves that String Theory is true.
OK, how many dimensions are there in string theory?
10 or 11 depending on your theory. 11 would be for M-Theory. Actually it would just be a large number of Universes not infinite.
It made me laugh.
I am done here. I shall go home.
Here's a dumber one:
The Batmobile is black because Batman couldn't get it in a darker color.
Batman doesn't need superpowers; superpowers need Batman.
Okay, I gave it its own subdomain. batfacts.thevelvetedge.com.
I like those too, Ginger. You should submit them.
t /batpimp