And I find that Jake reminds me of my cousin's kid, which kinda skeeves me. And yet, BBOC.
Those two things taken together? Disconcerting.
Brokeback *still* hasn't opened here. Buckle of the Bible Belt, sure, but I'd think there's money to be made, and I can't see our theatres turning down income.
I forget how conservative San Diego is, but it's showing at the local indie theatres, not any of the larger chains.
Wants devil ducky!
And Gyllenhaal has the BBOC thing going. It explains the mustache.
The mustache was *so* awful.
Hideous. But I still liked him, even when the freaky face fuzz was onscreen. I can only explain it by the BBOC effect.
Even replacement parts can be built on a Friday.
What means this turn of phrase?
Gosh, I wish I could prove it. Unfortunately, I didn't run ASP before sending it in so I don't have a record of the brand and model of the drive I had before. Bummer. I'm not sure if I've got enough assertiveness in me to call them about this when I have so little backup. OTOH, the fact that my AppleCare is probably going to run out this March might influence me.
I hurt right now. I don't normally ask for hairpats, but can I have some? I attempted to do the official filing for divorce thing tonight and became so overwhelmed and upset that I had to stop. I feel so raw and broken.
I'm sorry, Kristin. That's one of the hardest transitions you can make in this life.
I was boggled when Juliana told me that she finalized her divorce before she left MN. It takes six months waiting period out here in CA.
On the plus side, you now have a sassy bob. So while you're crushed and suffering, you probably look very pretty.
Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry. I know that raw, aching feeling and I wish I could make it go away for you. (((Kristin)))
{{{Krisitin}}} Hairpats, and a virtual shoulder, and the drink of your choice. And you get to choose between Geek Pick-up Lines:
"Your name is Leslie? I can spell that on my calculator!"
"Mind if I use a sniffer to see if your ports are open?"
Thank you, everyone. It's not that the marriage hasn't been over for a long time, but the paperwork is so soul-draining.
but the paperwork is so soul-draining.
Paperwork sucks.
Divorce sucks.
Divorce plus paperwork = soulcrushing. It's like homework and trauma all tied up into one neat little package.