Check the top right drawer for change and stamps (keep) and ketchup packets and soy sauce (pitch).
Oh, god, the drawers. I finished up the immediate work today, tomorrow I need to start on the actual preparations for leaving. Like finding the bottom of those drawers, and dealing with the things I shoved in there "to deal with later" six years ago.
Also, random zip disks.
I'll need to gather up all my Pez dispensers, I suppose.
Hec, is that really the way you said that to Emmett? Because it was funny.
Bitches make "Redbook" sex advice supersquare.(Not that anyone should be, you know, stunned by this thought, but apparently there are people who find "talking dirty" so shocking they buy books to learn how...and I'm not maximizing my abilities here, am I?)
Yuck...shaved eyebrows. My mom says that sometimes when you do that they don't grow back.
Lesson 1:
Say "damn."
Repear 10 times, using different inflections. (I.e., angry, surpised, regretful, etc.)
Lesson 20:
Practice saying "Damn you, wild stallion, fuck me like tomorrow's coming with you" in different vocal ranges. Try:
an erotic whisper
a full-bodied moan
a primal scream
Hec, is that really the way you said that to Emmett?
Except for the Noel Coward part. That's just for Buffista consumption.
My mom says that sometimes when you do that they don't grow back.
Poor Debbie Reynolds. Poor Jean Harlow.
Which lesson is 'boompty boompty'?
That's filed under Appendix C, Using Colloquialisms, Idioms and Regional Pecularities in Sex Talk
Still Waiting For Erin To Talk Dirty In Middle English...
In bedde, when thee Goldynne Shouers swoote..."
Today, I discovered why my corner of the teacher workroom, where I have my desk, has different carpeting than the rest of the room.
Apparantly when it rains really hard, that corner floods.
I would say "headdesk", but you'd hear more of a "sploosh" than a "thud" if I tried it right now.