Does this have anything to do with the corkscrew penis?
Corkscrews have penises?
(...if there is a Disturbing Pig Penis Fact in answer to this question, I... don't think I want to know. Um.)
then the sproggage went craxynuts
See, I think that all buffistakinder are TCBITW. Although obviously [insert baby of your preference] is TUltimateCBITW.
Man, they are some cute kids.
Pigs have corkscrew penii, dolphins are prehensile... oh my.
Of course, cats have barbs and there was that freaky hung duck...
I think I'll stick with being a person.
Isn't it sad and wrong how the little ones refuse to stay little?
No. I much prefer the conversation now. Even if I did have to strenuously enforce The List Of Things Emmett Is Not Allowed To Talk To Me About last night.
Even if I did have to strenuously enforce The List Of Things Emmett Is Not Allowed To Talk To Me About last night.
I bet the list has 'cats' on it.
I have a list like this, but it's for my mother, not my child.
I have a list like this, but it's for my mother, not my child.
Its like the day when my Father asked me "
would someone pierce their tongue?" And wouldn't drop it. And I refused to tell him.
Seriously, you ALL got the "Leif Ericson" thing?
I bet the list has 'cats' on it.
Compared to the actual items on the list, 'cats' would be a fair treat.
Seriously, you ALL got the "Leif Ericson" thing?
I can't tell you how many times I've heard that one.