Secret Santa O' Mine -- who did not reveal him/herself -- I'm pretty sure I know who you are, and you've been so busy that I am *extra* appreciative of my prezzies. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
you're welcome! yeah, after I'd sent the gift, I came home and found the fun card with the incredibly witty message on the floor next to the wrapping paper. sorry about that. the sparkly thing is
an ornament, but I just loved the sparkliness, and I bought a few to add to presents instead of bows. hadn't thought of the suncatcher idea, that's awesome! Glad you liked it!
Many thanks to my secret Santa MFNLaw, who sent me a wonderful assortment of international foodie items including a rack with bottles of flavored olive oil and balsamic vinegar, caviar, seafood rub, and peppermint candy. Also a beautiful pair of wine goblets that are now occupying a place of honor front and center in my china cabinet.
Everybody to Matt's place for dinner!
Alas, I have nothing in the apartment to season with the seafood rub and oil & vinegar, hence my journey to the land of Schrodinger's Waitress tonight. I'd better lay in more supplies of a staple variety to accentuate with those flavorful goodies before having lots of friends over.
Yay! It got there, and nothing was broken, I assume.
I'm so glad you like it. When I saw the fig-infused balsamic vinegar, I knew you had to have it.
My apologies for its tardiness, but I hope it was worth the wait!
fig infused vinegar. I wonder if I coud make it.... not sure I could do it with balsamic....
It would make a yummy vinagrette.
For New Year's my friend Traci made a figs stuffed with chorizo and wrapped in bacon, then broiled. SO bad for you, but very, very tasty.
Just used some of both on a huge salad with feta cheese. Me likey.
figs stuffed with chorizo and wrapped in bacon, then broiled. SO bad for you, but very, very tasty.
Um, I think my heart just exploded from reading your post.
Bacon up that sausage, boy!!!