But I'm committed to being an angel or a fairy this year, in the interests of exploring my prettier side.
Get the outfit the twins wear in the "Get Off" video and then put all that stuff in a great big bag, carry it around and "change songs" by changing accessories.
Hee! If you are going to a party, you could ask people if they have any requests for songs!
I love how "pauperism" was considered a genetic disease.
You haven't met my family.
I thought of a question for you while I was driving into work. If your Halloween costume was to be Prince's oeuvre, what would you wear? So far, I have:
To be accurate, some of them would have to be used.
I'm pretty sure you can simulate a used condom without actually using the condom. FYI.
Pretend used condoms are gross enough.
In TMI news, co-worker is talking on the phone about how long he's been sober. Go team AA, and all, but I don't need to know when he last lapsed. It's too weird, too much.
It is really stupid that I'm offended by not passing the test. I mean, it's not like I prepared or anything. But four hours of bullshit should lead to a chance for a million bucks!
I'm curious about this test. And how it is possible for you to fail?!
Python Bursts After Trying to Eat Alligator
My favorite sentence:
In previous incidents, the alligator won or the battle was an apparent draw.