Salt dough? Whazzit?
Dough with lots of extra salt in it. So it won't spoil I suppose while they're making topographical maps of California. Later comes the infamous "build a model of a California Mission" project, which every California public school child has done in 4th grade since the birth of man. (Which preceded the California Missions, so it was an especially difficult and enigmatic assignment back then.)
Jason Alexander was last to know that his sitcom was canceled. He found out about it in USA Today.
Man, that's so wrong. That kind of thing is what scared me about the Kitchen Confidential rumors, even after Monique hunted down some debunking of them.
Later comes the infamous "build a model of a California Mission" project, which every California public school child has done in 4th grade since the birth of man. (Which preceded the California Missions, so it was an especially difficult and enigmatic assignment back then.)
We focused on State history in third grade. I wonder what sort of geography projects we'll have this year. I hate the frigging projects. For Ben's first book report this year, he had the choice to make a triarama/quadrarama (don't ask), a collage, or a crossword puzzle, using 10 words from the story. We totally went Crossword puzzle.
Nick and Jessica? Oh noes!
We focused on State history in third grade
Which reminds me, on TAR last night,
"Pennsylvania, is that a state?" woman also didn't know what state Washington DC was in ("What state is that in, Washington?"). So any benefit of the doubt I was giving her for the PA comment? GONE. She's just completely geographically ignorant about her own country.
We totally went Crossword puzzle.
Emmett had to do a crossword puzzle recently as well. amych will be pleased to know that it was cheese-based.
Well. Not actually carved out of cheese. Just cheese answers.
OMG, is it your anniversary?
It totally is!
You sneak! You didn't say anything on the train! Mucho congrats!!!
It suddenly strikes me that I should've livened up that third-grade Virginia History diorama by carving John Smith out of gouda.
You sneak! You didn't say anything on the train!
Oh, I had other stuff to talk about, like coffee, and containers for coffee, and napping, and back pain. Really, it's so fascinating being me!!!
Buffista anniversary wishes are the best, 'cause we wouldn't be together without y'all!
Happy anniversary to the McWaringles. I promise young Evie will not commence her husband-stealing for at least 16 years.
Dear Asshat boss,
Since you have noticed that I am very stressed, and I am working my ass off this week, maybe it's not a great time to say, "I hate to bother you, but..." which you've said approximately 4 times a day all week for stupid inconsequential things. It's an especially bad idea to ask me to log off the computers in the classroom after you teach your class, just because you are too lazy to do it. If you really hated to bother me, you WOULDN"T.