Wait - what about me? I sincerely believe that I don't know the cosmic answers and that we should all be groovy toward each other whilst we party on. Am I protected? Is Bill-and-Tedism a recognized religion?
Agnosticism is also protected.
I have just gotten a referral for plastic surgery. The office of said plastic surgeon is, naturally, in one of our richest suburbs. The good thing is that it will most likely be covered by my insurance. (I'm getting a scar removed.) That's been the most exciting thing about my day.
You movie star! Stay away from cheek implants, though okay? And no collagen in the lips. And I don't like eye-lifts when they're too tight. That's freaky.
I sincerely believe in Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.
I'm totally a Pastafarian.
He was calling to invite me to submit opinions, or other types of articles for his online news service.
All right! That sounds very flattering (and understandable, considering how well written your letter was).
Stay away from cheek implants, though okay?
Oh good lord, yes. I have never seen one of those that didn't freak me right out.
No you don't. You're insincere, and not only will the FSM pass you by, but the Great Pumpkin as well.
And if you watch ROBOT CHICKEN you know this is a good thing.
revels in out-of-the-blue-total-surprise-package-getting
Whee! I sent it super cheap slow boat and didn't know how long it would take.
Giggles at the thought of Juliana being brainwashed by evil suburban plastic surgeons. Will we have Stepford Juliana in our future.
Gotta go to the bus stop....
Will we have Stepford Juliana in our future.
I think the Stepford surgeons would use juliana as their template for all other stepford wives.
Happy Belated Birthday, Nora!!! I'm sorry I missed it yesterday.
I left Annabel alone for a minute to go get the phone from the other room. I came back to find her sitting on the couch, paging through Self-Editing for Fiction Writers with a look of utter concentration.
Too cute!!!
Teppy, sorry that Crush!Guy is being asshat.
I just needled my ex. That's not productive.