flirts with Hec
In other mememe news. An odd and somewhat flattering thing happened. After I wrote my letter to the editor I received a couple calls on my home phone number from some newspaper guy. My phone number wasn’t published, bit I’m listed. Anyway, I called him back. He was calling to invite me to submit opinions, or other types of articles for his online news service. We talked for some time. Well, that was certainly unexpected.
Good one, Hec. The funny part is, I don't know the rules all that well...I may be getting discriminated against right and, well, probably just right, although maybe by clueless granolas, too.
If I were not a Bitch, I would not know how to flirt with's not considered a daily-living skill, though, God knows why.
(light slowly dawns) Oh! That's the dress code question my brother came off as too conservative on in his HRC candidate questionnaire...I didn't understand. I thought they meant shirts like "I'm Not Gay But My Boyfriend Is" so kind of didn't understand the heartburn, either way.
I suspect I might have answered differently from him, though.
I sincerely believe in Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.
No you don't. You're insincere, and not only will the FSM pass you by, but the Great Pumpkin as well.
Crap. Hec totally sees through my insincere parody-religious beliefs.
::cancels order for pirate costume::
Hey, in my religion, Friday is a Holy Day. We've even got published scriptures!
Hail, Eris! May your hot dogs be without buns! All hail Discordia!
Also, I'm with Laura on the flirting.
Yes, but -- you read the whole story, right? Flirting with someone after telling her that you're not attracted to her? That's just a mindfuck, and not the kind I like.
Laura is a goddess who has just caused me to smile like mad at the end of one of my most un-smiliest weeks ever, and I adore her.
::revels in out-of-the-blue-total-surprise-package-getting::
It's a mindfuck, counterproductive to his stated intent, crappy (and not at all Scrappy), and CLUELESS!!!!!!!
The only test is whether the religion is a "sincerely held belief." Jen will be happy to know that Atheism is also covered under the religious protection.
Wait - what about me? I sincerely believe that I don't know the cosmic answers and that we should all be groovy toward each other whilst we party on. Am I protected? Is Bill-and-Tedism a recognized religion?
I have just gotten a referral for plastic surgery. The office of said plastic surgeon is, naturally, in one of our richest suburbs. The good thing is that it will most likely be covered by my insurance. (I'm getting a scar removed.) That's been the most exciting thing about my day.
rubs Laura's shoulders
Yes, but -- you read the whole story, right? Flirting with someone after telling her that you're not attracted to her? That's just a mindfuck, and not the kind I like.
I did read the whole story. I don't think he was mindfucking with Machiavellian or evil intent. I think he (a) underestimated how much he hurt you (b) wanted to show that he still likes you (perhaps guiltily, but probably still genuine) (c) wanted to smooth things over in the group dynamic (d) is a bit clueless on how the whole thing played out.
Wait - what about me? I sincerely believe that I don't know the cosmic answers and that we should all be groovy toward each other whilst we party on. Am I protected? Is Bill-and-Tedism a recognized religion?
Agnosticism is also protected.
I have just gotten a referral for plastic surgery. The office of said plastic surgeon is, naturally, in one of our richest suburbs. The good thing is that it will most likely be covered by my insurance. (I'm getting a scar removed.) That's been the most exciting thing about my day.
You movie star! Stay away from cheek implants, though okay? And no collagen in the lips. And I don't like eye-lifts when they're too tight. That's freaky.