Thanks, tiggy.
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I can't make it all the way through that "critique". Is it ever mentioned that Duncan was also drugged when the "rape" happened? That's a crucial bit o' info that the writer conveniently leaves out.
I have avoided the article up until now, but i just started reading it and i can't get any further than the second paragraph. why? i'll quote.
She has to fit into the same cookie cutter mode. Actually, it's a smaller mode these days. What you see on the big three networks? It's a smaller mode than what you would have seen in the seventies.
emphasis mine. i think the word they're going for here is mold. i have decided since it only took me two paragraphs to find something to nitpick that i'm not going to waste my time with the rest of it. no head thunking for me today, thanks!
I can't make it all the way through that "critique".
I tried a bit, but the grammar errors bugged me too much to continue. The mixed up pronouns and the use of the wrong words like tiggy mentioned, it just hurts my head too much to read.
Just a reminder of why I don't stray far from home.
I have a screed (or rebuttal of same, I guess) in need of facts.
BadgesFacts? We don't need no stinkin' BadgesFacts!!! This is the internet!!!
I can't make it all the way through that "critique". Is it ever mentioned that Duncan was also drugged when the "rape" happened? That's a crucial bit o' info that the writer conveniently leaves out.That is exactly the information which prompted me to respond to it at all. Then I reviewed the whole thing again today, and realized I was gonna need a bigger boat, which is why I'm doing the series of lj posts. No more than one of us should have to read through the whole thing AND try to respond. I'll link 'em here, as I make my way through the dross.
BadgesFacts? We don't need no stinkin'BadgesFacts!!! This is the internet!!!
Normally, you know I'm all over that, Narrator. But I do think the discussion of Wallace and Jackie, and the rape issue deserve serious consideration, even where the blog doesn't.
Is it ever mentioned that Duncan was also drugged when the "rape" happened?
Is there a reason you put "rape" in quotes, Jon? Is it to indicate that it wasn't a "real rape"?
Within the context of the show, we see in the first episode the flashback where Veronica describes it as a rape when she goes to the police. So there's that.
Also, sex without consent is not "rape." Sex without consent is rape. It's not maybe-rape. Show me where Veronica said yes.
The implication of the show is that she consented, but didn't remember consenting (or, obviously, anything about the encounter) the next morning. Certainly, drugged!Duncan THOUGHT she was consenting, and the description provided by him, Carrie, and the (admittedly unreliable) flashbacks seems to show that she was rather happy with the situation when it happened. I'm not sure that qualifies as rape - to some extent, I believe intention matters.
I mean, the next morning Duncan was as unconsenting as Veronica was. Was he raped?
Thanks Gris. That's how I remember what happened on the show and is exactly why I used the quotes.
I think the rape (and Tep's right on in that it's rape) is different than what we're used to, because the rapist(s) ends up being a series of events more than a person, so I understand why some people don't think of it as a rape, and I also understand Veronica's reactions (and lack thereof) once she has the facts about Shelly's party.
Veronica was drugged without either her consent or knowledge, and had her ability to consent stolen from her. She was raped.
Duncan was drugged without either his consent or knowledge, and had his ability to consent stolen from him. He was raped.
Veronica's ability to consent to sex was stolen as the result of unforeseen consequences, or at least was stolen more quickly as the result of unforeseen consequences. Dick intended to steal Madison's ability to consent. Madison only intended to steal Veronica's ability to consent (or refuse) to swallowing Madison's saliva. When coupled with whatever alcohol Veronica willingly consumed (at least the first Madison-spit-spiked rum and Coke) and those drinks poured down her throat by a whole group of guys, once her ability to consent to drink was removed as a result of consuming rum and (unbeknownst to her or anyone else) GHB.
Duncan's ability to consent was stolen from him by Logan, who spiked his drink with GHB.