Some of the further down definitions at match what I've understood the adolescence range to be.
1 : the state or process of growing up
2 : the period of life from puberty to maturity terminating legally at the age of majority
WordNet / Princeton:
n 1: the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood
2: in the state that someone is in between puberty and adulthood
Hmm...24 falls into the age range that I will call "stupid kids" if they're acting that way, but adolescence cuts off at around 18 for me.
Heh. For me, "stupid kids" ends before adolescence does, rapidly changing into "you really should know better by now." But I'm very impatient with the age thing.
"Relive adolescence (the sex part)."
I read that as getting lots of rejection, I can live without the reliving.
The reason adolescence goes up to 24 may relate to the psychology data that shows a lot of people's cookie dough isn't done baking till about that age. Both physically and mentally/emotionally.
The reason it goes as low as 10 is that plenty of girls start their periods by then.
Okay, game time.
You are being held hostage by terrorists. Pick a celebrity to rescue you:
1) Hugh Jackman
2) Clive Owen
3) Viggo Mortensen
Clive. He seems smarter than Hugh and more sensible than Viggo.
But any will do, really.
We haven't gotten to the girls yet!
But if I must...
1) Michelle Forbes
2) Uma Thurman
3) Angelina Jolie