I always wonder when things like this happen -- why isn't the White House a "secure location?" I mean, we're spending billions of dollars on security anyway, why hasn't the White House just been turned into an above-ground bomb shelter already?
That's a good question. The security can't be top-notch considering how easy it is to get a day pass into the press room.
The security can't be top-notch considering how easy it is to get a day pass into the press room.
Everybody knows that gay prostitutes are never terrorists.
Everybody knows that gay prostitutes are never terrorists.
Not until they get married. Then, watch out.
What you cannot do when someone announces her pregnancy is PAT her stomach.
Ah, reason #7,305,422 for me to not get pregnant. I've heard that people do that, and could only hope I'd get off on a hormones defense after breaking the patter's wrist.
Everybody knows that gay prostitutes are never terrorists.
I think I've just found that missing step #2 in my plan for world conquest, and the interview process is going to be a lot more fun than I'd imagined.
Huh. Every time I tripped over kiddie porn when I was doing computer repair, I reported it immediately. Regular porn, we'd just watch and snerk.
I think anyone who's dumb enough to have porn on a computer at work is dumb enough to need firing. Plus they're opening the company up for harassment suits.
I think anyone who's dumb enough to have porn on a computer at work is dumb enough to need firing.
Hands up everybody else who reads fic at work...
That's print porn, not acutal porn porn.
Hands up everybody else who reads fic at work...
Nothing R or better.
Although it's a good thing folks can't download my brain, 'cause what I think about at work (especially during the boring, repetative task part of my work cycle) would probably get me fired on grounds of NC-17ness.