I like me just fine in my un-tarted state, but knowing that it's the tarting up that makes me attractive to others, well, A Well-Groomed Girl Is A Pleasing Girl, it seems.
Remember, I am on the outside edge of opinion in this, because I think EVERYONE, male or female, looks better with a smidge of concealer, powder, groomed eyebrows, mascara, and tinted lip balm.
However, I fully accept that my aesthetic standards are not everyone elses, and I try not to pressure my friends into adopting them. Just don't be too freaked out if I stare at you and make twitching movements toward my cosmetics bag.
If I have a personal style of dress, then it's one that's accreted around me, rather than one I purposely chose. Eventually I stopped trying to have a style and just went with clothes that bug me the least.
Heh. Exactly! That's Fashion du Teppy, 100%!
But you, you've got style, baby. Of which, in fact, a white t-shirt and khakis are a part.
Hmm. I shudder to think what a white t-shirt and khakis say about my inner life.
I rather enjoy being an enigma wrapped in a riddle, smothered in secret sauce. Well, seriously, I have one HELL of an inner life, and I get a real kick out of people's reactions when (if) they stick around long enough for me to give them a glimpse of it. No one ever expects me to be....well, be *me,* it seems. Never judge a Teppy by her cover.
Hmm. I shudder to think what a white t-shirt and khakis say about my inner life
You're not your fucking khakis. /Tyler Durden
I tried wearing makeup daily after I shed 60 pounds. Eventually I decided that an extra 30 minutes of sleep did more for my looks than getting up early enough to put concealer under my eyes. I still like wearing make-up for special occasions, but to me it's like a costume: formal dinner drag, along with fun clothes and footwear. And when I play dress-up -- and wearing makeup falls into that category for me -- I like it when others are playing with me, male and female. Nothing says "Look at me, for I am Sir Hottie McHotness" like a fella who knows how to wear eyeliner.
Hmm. I shudder to think what a white t-shirt and khakis say about my inner life
You're not your fucking khakis.
Oh, *I* know that. I just wonder what Sandra Dee images I'm putting forth.
I shudder to think what a white t-shirt and khakis say about my inner life.
Exactly my point. Anyone who infers that, based on the way I look, is just missing out on fudge-ripple-nut-crunch-y goodness.
I just wonder what Sandra Dee images I'm putting forth.
So you have a wonderfully Vanilla exterior with a lovely, cream-filled, porny center.
How many licks does it take.....
I think EVERYONE, male or female, looks better with a smidge of concealer, powder, groomed eyebrows, mascara, and tinted lip balm. EVERYONE
I completely agree with this. And yet, I wear makeup extremely rarely, because for most of my day-to-day life, I'm not interested in looking "better." The effort I put into looking good corresponds directly with how important I think it is for whatever audience I'll have, and usually, it's pretty minimal.