Cindy, I'm reading From Here to Maternity--the specific chapter on The Toddler Diet. And laughing my ass off. Of course I can see myself stealing Owen's chocolate milk and secretly cramming his animal crackers in my face while he's blissfully unaware (having distracted him with an Elmo DVD so I can binge on his snacks).
Hee. I've never read it. I sneak cookies all the time though, because the kids expect me to be "fair" and I can't feed them the way I now eat (I didn't used to eat like this) or they'd be sick.
I miss baby food plums. Those were yummy.
Echidna name. Hmmm, Pokey. Pokey Pokerson?
Chololate Milk is good stuff, but unfortunately very expensive calorie wise.
Thanks for all of the support yesterday. I appreciate it more than any of you could know.
I'm feeling calm and happy this morning. I am not sure how long that is going to last, but I'll take it for now. Teacup Guy had work to do last night, which I know he felt bad about, but it was nice to just have him here typing away on the computer while I was curled up on the couch next to him reading.
I have my therapy appointment in an hour, and then I get to start on the new meds. Luckily I have a lot of people around this time willing to bring me food, etc, if I am not feeling well the next few days.
Sorry to have freaked out all over the thread this afternoon. I think I'm going to put a note up on my computer with a few questions like, "How's your blood sugar? Hormones? Are you sure you want to post this?"
Susan, you were fine yesterday. Also, what beth said.
I am glad you're feeling better today, sj.
How about Condoleeza Scalia von Rumscroft?
Heh. Now I have to get... something, so I can name it this.
Thanks, Nora. How are you today?
I hate people and my job, but I'm working real hard not to let it get to me.
My throat feels better, just kind of vaguely scratchy and dry. I know I'll be drinking a ton of water. Just 'cause it feels so goooooood. I am glad I took the day off yesterday and rested, I think it will help over the long run.
Gotta catch up with work I missed yesterday... sigh.
Tommy, I'm sure it would be the perfect name for one of these.
{{{Nora}}} I am sorry work is so bad. Much ~ma to get through your day. We need to plan a get together soon. I miss you.