Thanks for all of the support yesterday. I appreciate it more than any of you could know.
I'm feeling calm and happy this morning. I am not sure how long that is going to last, but I'll take it for now. Teacup Guy had work to do last night, which I know he felt bad about, but it was nice to just have him here typing away on the computer while I was curled up on the couch next to him reading.
I have my therapy appointment in an hour, and then I get to start on the new meds. Luckily I have a lot of people around this time willing to bring me food, etc, if I am not feeling well the next few days.
Sorry to have freaked out all over the thread this afternoon. I think I'm going to put a note up on my computer with a few questions like, "How's your blood sugar? Hormones? Are you sure you want to post this?"
Susan, you were fine yesterday. Also, what beth said.
I am glad you're feeling better today, sj.
How about Condoleeza Scalia von Rumscroft?
Heh. Now I have to get... something, so I can name it this.
Thanks, Nora. How are you today?
I hate people and my job, but I'm working real hard not to let it get to me.
My throat feels better, just kind of vaguely scratchy and dry. I know I'll be drinking a ton of water. Just 'cause it feels so goooooood. I am glad I took the day off yesterday and rested, I think it will help over the long run.
Gotta catch up with work I missed yesterday... sigh.
Tommy, I'm sure it would be the perfect name for one of these.
{{{Nora}}} I am sorry work is so bad. Much ~ma to get through your day. We need to plan a get together soon. I miss you.
Tommy, I'm sure it would be the perfect name for one of these.
Hee. Yeah, I can see that name working for Black Death, Ebola or the Flesh Eating virus.
Jesus. Today is going to suck in countless as-yet-undescribed ways. Right out of the gate, I have the following:
(1) I well and truly have a cold and feel like total total shit.
(2) I slept through my alarm, by more than an hour.
(3) Upon arriving at work, my sort-of-boss-co-worker (not Chatty, and not Incompetent) immediately started slagging on how bad the layout looks. The layout that I've done the same way -- the way SHE taught me when I started working here -- FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS!
She ended the discussion by telling me, and I quote, "Shut up!!!", complete with the exclamation points. Bitch.
(4) I have a hole in the butt of my pants, which I didn't discover until I got to work.
(5) Still not king.
Meh. Just fucking kill me now. (This is a *Wednesday,* mang. Shouldn't days this crappy be Mondays?)