Also, at least hotel sheets are usually white, so I can hope they've been well-bleached. And then NOT THINK ABOUT IT ANY MORE.
I think the proximity to the pilot is what gives me the creeps. I mean, having sex on a plane is supposed to be something you do on the sly, not something everyone on the plane knows about and is in fact helping you with.
Yeah, exactly. The whole, "Hi! You ready to have sex now? You have 45 minutes left! Enjoy!!!" thing is creepifying.
And god forbid you get some sort of freaky pilot that's all, "No, we're not landing til she gets there."
so, it's a nice day here. Really lovely. First day it really feels like spring.
Also? puppies are cute and cats do funny things.
but definitely lowers your risk of being arrested.
Well, yeah, but where's the rush? Is there really some perk to having sex in the air other than the fact you're being sneaky and illicit?
Yeah, exactly. The whole, "Hi! You ready to have sex now? You have 45 minutes left! Enjoy!!!" thing is creepifying.
This is your captain speaking. We are ready to begin our descent into Atlanta, so please zip up and return your seatbacks and tray tables to their full and upright position. An attendant will be coming through the cabin to collect the used condoms.
That's totally cheating, isn't it?
In a sense, yes, but definitely lowers your risk of being arrested.
YES THIS! I suspect that the post-9/11 flight world makes it somewhat tougher, and ups the risks.
If there's a way to just pay to join the club, cheating it may be , but it counts in a way that having sex in Denver doesn't (to join the club, you need to be in the air, not just a mile above sea level, Aims....)
Though Jess does have a point about the creepiness of the pilot being right there.
Remember the Monk episode where he brought in those blood/bodily fluid scanners to check out the hotel room?
No, but I will remember it forever now, even without seeing the ep.
Oh, and the NASA logo sheets? I'm totally keeping those. Although I'd probably launder them.
"Hi! You ready to have sex now? You have 45 minutes left! Enjoy!!!"
This is your pilot speaking. We are making our final descent, so please make sure your tray tables and seat backs are in their upright and locked position, put your penis away, and make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened.
eta: Highfives Jessica, blames the cat for the delayed xpost.
I have to admit, CSI, factually accurate or not, has made me way way way more germ/ick creeped about hotels and whatnot. Now mind you, I've very much of the
if I can't see it or smell it and it can't kill me, I don't care
school of grime avoidance. Rationally. I really just have to not think about it. Because that way screaming and skin crawling lies.