I just watched it for the first time in years. Man, what a gorgeous (and funny) piece of work.
Buffy and Angel 1: BUFFYNANGLE4EVA!!!!!1!
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Mark has Buffy Season Five predictions up. Funnily enough, "Buffy dies" isn't on it ...
But "Joyce lives through the season" is.
It is. and it's hilarious.
I like how a lot of people predict we'll see Willow and Tara kiss onscreen. Won't be what they're expecting!
I like how a lot of people predict we'll see Willow and Tara kiss onscreen. Won't be what they're expecting!
I'm completely blanking on this. I remember the offscreen, noisy one in Restless. And then there's the implications of a certain moment in Once More with Feeling, but that's season six.
Their first on-screen kiss was in "The Body".
Mark has made his predictions for Angel S2. The two best:
5) Holland, Lilah, and Lindsey will all die by the end of season two, as will the Wolfram & Hart story line.
Nooooooooooot so much, but a lot of Wolfram and Hart folks will die!
7) Wesley will at one point be tempted to betray Angel, but will refuse to do so.
A season early, bub. And wrong.
I think his scorecard at the end of seasons should include predictions that were exactly the opposite of what happened.
I would have been surprised if he'd randomly busted out with "They will go to some other dimension where Cordelia is a princess."