Mark has made his predictions for
S2. The two best:
5) Holland, Lilah, and Lindsey will all die by the end of season two, as will the Wolfram & Hart story line.
Nooooooooooot so much, but a lot of Wolfram and Hart folks will die!
7) Wesley will at one point be tempted to betray Angel, but will refuse to do so.
A season early, bub. And wrong.
I think his scorecard at the end of seasons should include predictions that were exactly the opposite of what happened.
I would have been surprised if he'd randomly busted out with "They will go to some other dimension where Cordelia is a princess."
I assume that he'll end up throwing his hands up in despair of ever predicting wtf ME are going to come up with.
He's heading into Buffy S5, right? Dawn is going to BLOW HIS MIND.
And Joyce. Oh, god. P-C, seriously -- this is not mocking Mark -- maybe you should watch The Body with him, or make sure someone does, to try to minimize the trauma.
And Joyce. Oh, god. P-C, seriously -- this is not mocking Mark -- maybe you should watch The Body with him, or make sure someone does, to try to minimize the trauma.
Yeah, that and "Seeing Red" he should not watch alone.
Well, I don't know what Mark's so worked up about, but it was nice seeing li'l sis again after she was gone most of the 4th season.
Hee, hee, hee.
The comments are glorious. I am so sad I'm in a training all afternoon and can't join in the trolling.
Well, he's reviewed "Judgement"(which means we wait til Monday for "Real Me", mutter, mutter). Nothing surprising, but he seems to have fallen head-over-heels for Lorne.
Ooh, a commenter pointed out something neat: Lorne enters the show singing "I Will Survive."
At the end of the show, he's the only one not dead or hypothetically about to be (comics notwithstanding).