Ha ha ha, oh, J. August Richards.
Also, re: Mark's review of "Restless":
I wrote like...2400 words about that episode. I HAD SO MUCH TO SAY.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Ha ha ha, oh, J. August Richards.
Also, re: Mark's review of "Restless":
I wrote like...2400 words about that episode. I HAD SO MUCH TO SAY.
of course he did.
I just watched it for the first time in years. Man, what a gorgeous (and funny) piece of work.
Mark has Buffy Season Five predictions up. Funnily enough, "Buffy dies" isn't on it ...
But "Joyce lives through the season" is.
It is. and it's hilarious.
I like how a lot of people predict we'll see Willow and Tara kiss onscreen. Won't be what they're expecting!
I like how a lot of people predict we'll see Willow and Tara kiss onscreen. Won't be what they're expecting!
I'm completely blanking on this. I remember the offscreen, noisy one in Restless. And then there's the implications of a certain moment in Once More with Feeling, but that's season six.
Their first on-screen kiss was in "The Body".
Mark has made his predictions for Angel S2. The two best:
5) Holland, Lilah, and Lindsey will all die by the end of season two, as will the Wolfram & Hart story line.
Nooooooooooot so much, but a lot of Wolfram and Hart folks will die!
7) Wesley will at one point be tempted to betray Angel, but will refuse to do so.
A season early, bub. And wrong.