I will amend to specify that my "everybody has his reasons" quotation is not dismissive, but an acknowledgement. When it comes to parenting everybody makes their best call and there are times when it will be private school or home schooling and that was the best choice.
My gripe is with the presumed cultural value (which I see as prevalent) for one-on-one parenting that is so strong that it can't put it in context with socialization, common acculturation, democratic values, or even that there are times when on-one-one parenting is narcissistic and unhealthy.
ita, are you home today?
Nope, although I wish I were. Too much to do.
My gripe is with the presumed cultural value (which I see as prevalent) for one-on-one parenting
Do you see homeschooling as inextricably intertwined with the one-on-one urge, or just something alongside it ruins the country?
My gripe is with the presumed cultural value (which I see as prevalent) for one-on-one parenting
I definitely agree with the cliche that it takes a village. Totally. But that still doesn't preclude homeschooling when the alternatives suck or are unworkable. (And I realize you weren't saying that "it takes a village" precludes homeschooling. I'm just saying.)
Yeah. From the ancient Greek meaning "butthead".(/Everything I Know I Learned From H:LOTS)
With Hec in the public school believing. So of course Dad and Stepmonster? Pay a metric fuckload for church school despite having the spirituality of lint.
God, have I carried that around for a long time, biting my tongue and all...thank you Natter for letting me say it finally.
And he's still behind for his age(the kid, not my dad...well, him too, but they are not magicians.)
narcissistic and unhealthy
True American values.
I don't think I have ever been one-on-one parented, so I'm not the best judge; but I'm a big fan of leaving people alone at least some of the time. I know a number of people who cannot bear to get down with their own bad selves.
I made a call that I have been putting off for a week and I got 3 of the 6 things I needed to talk to them about answered and moving forward. RAWK!!!
also? BIG soda at lunch. caffeine. WATCH OUT!
Do you see homeschooling as inextricably intertwined with the one-on-one urge, or just something alongside it ruins the country?
The country's already ruint. Desperately needs a valve job.
Hmmm, inextricably intertwined? Causal? Commensurate? There are so many words. But as ever, Specificity of ita requires critical thinking. To which I say, I think the one-on-one urge fuels/drives a large number of homeschooling decisions. Is it the only cause? No. But in the balance of the decision I think it is highly overvalued in proportion to the value of social skills, varied interaction, community interaction and community building.
Totally. But that still doesn't preclude homeschooling when the alternatives suck or are unworkable.
Okay, back to the social contract value of public school. This is kind of a radical notion, that I had to get used to back on the divorce thread but...sometimes you gotta move. I know a lot of people think of their home as Base One and Immovable, especially if they're homeowners. But I think it's more important to be in a community that's going to be receptive and supportive of children and education. More important than the virtues solely of the educational quality. Of course, you can also invest time and energy into making your local school better. Parental influence makes a huge difference in school quality (around here anyway).
It's not just the ability to learn calculus or read critcially at an early age which will determine the child's welfare. It's the balance of that learning with a variety of social skills which will most benefit the child. There are plenty of people who excelled at school and fucked up at life. I think homeschooling is gambling too much on the virtue of the educational quality over the rest of the picture.
Okay, back to the social contract value of public school. This is kind of a radical notion, that I had to get used to back on the divorce thread but...sometimes you gotta move. I know a lot of people think of their home as Base One and Immovable, especially if they're homeowners. But I think it's more important to be in a community that's going to be receptive and supportive of children and education. More important than the virtues solely of the educational quality.
Sometimes that's untenable, for a myriad of reasons. Parent(s) can't get a job in the new location, the family currently lives somewhere where they're tied to extended family -- by choice, etc.
It's not just the ability to learn calculus or read critcially at an early age which will determine the child's welfare. It's the balance of that learning with a variety of social skills which will most benefit the child. There are plenty of people who excelled at school and fucked up at life. I think homeschooling is gambling too much on the virtue of the educational quality over the rest of the picture.
I'm not really arguing for or against homeschooling, or public schools, or private schools.
Actually, it just occurred that I don't really have a need to defend what I think. I'm good with my beliefs about education.
also? BIG soda at lunch. caffeine. WATCH OUT!
I triumphed over Canuckistan and obtained my caffeine, and have been sending apologetic e-mails like whoa. One more e-mail and an apologetic phone call to go, and I think the mess will no longer earn me a talk with the boss.
But first I must listen to
Michael, you're the boy with all the leather hips / sticky hair, sticky hips, stubble on my sticky lips
really, really loudly.