I think that Drew looked dramatic (maybe a bit too so) where RZ looked drained. But I'm still reeling from misreading her dress, so I can't be trusted.
The E Online people liked Charlize's ruffles, so they're totally on crack.
Sumi -- there was a
token attempt, long ago, now that you mention it. But if you're going to get in trouble because you're sleeping with your advisee, either you suck up getting punished, stop sleeping with him, or STOP HIM FROM BEING YOUR ADVISEE.
It doesn't seem that tricky.
I just found out (maybe I'm behind on the news--no surprise if I am) that at the end of May, NewsRadio is coming out on DVD, and it'll be both Seasons One and Two boxed together, with tons of extras, and only $40 (Amazon has it for $10 off)!!
ita - J&B, I
hate this storyline but apparently tv loves it. I think that on Numbers there was also some sort of protest in the first episode, but nothing after that.
The E Online people liked Charlize's ruffles, so they're totally on crack.
And not the good crack either. When I saw Charlize, I thought she'd stolen SMG's wedding gown.
It's a dumbassed storyline. It's the sort of conflict that's farfetched because the essential question is "Well, why don't you solve it the easy way?" As opposed to "You lost your memory for how long? Your almost-fiancé is married to a what?"
Wah. I want a Traditional Siamese kitten.
I would settle for a cupcake.
The E Online people liked Charlize's ruffles, so they're totally on crack.
OK, this reminds me of the funniest line of the night. I don't remember what foolish thing Friend 1 said, but Friend 2 whipped around and said, "What are you drinking,
I'd rather Feh on the people who put themselves out there as
the word
on Oscar fashion. I didn't like Charlize's dress either, though more for the color than the ruffles. The Ft. Worth S-T hated Charlize, Kate W., Natalie and Laura Linney- oh, and Depp. Loved Renee, Hillary, Virginia, the chick from Maria Full of Grace, and someone else I can't remember. There was also a misguided, I think, review of Rock's performance. Not so much misguided in its review of Rock, but it was a bunch of Blue-stater this and limo liberals that.
And it seems the E Online people also think that Cate Blanchett should invest in some Mystic Tan. Personally, I like that she was one of the few celebrities who wasn't orange.