Now I'm worried that Perkins has met an untimely demise. (Not really.) She called me around 11:30 and said that her sinuses and/or allergies were behaving horribly, and she felt like crap, so she was going back to bed, which I wholeheartedly supported. I am a BIG fan of Teh Nap, and Cincinnati is known for being Sinus Hell.
She apologized and said "If you want to do something with your day off, go do it, and I'll see you when SA gets here later." Shyeah -- it's my day off, it's cold and rainy, and I have a stack of books and comics to be read. I'ma curl up in the comfy chair and read. I never get to do this!
I just hope Perkins' sinuses behave, so she can rejoin the world later.
Feeling Nicole's one- buffista town pain.
I know a few people that could be, but two would be embarrassing, and one is "too busy"(although as much of a Spirit Baby as he is, I would die if he saw the posts about my crushing and how much I hated the now ex-gf...I didn't do anything to her, but I think I was Right About Her, so I think I'm okay with him not visiting our chick pit.)
I think I'm okay with him not visiting our chick pit.
Even if he looses a shoe in it?
Next person to see Teppy, check for blood under the fingernails (as that's the hardest place to clean).
I think Perkins is off getting lucky, probably with whomever was sent out to repair the damage she's undoubtedly done to the B&B's wireless.
Or Teppy killed her.
Proof of how badly I need a haircut.
What, you think that isn't Yeti-like? Think again, my misguided friend, think again.
And, if I can be vain for just one quick second: this isn't a good picture, not really -- I look very tired and my Yeti-hair is Yeti-everywhere. But! I did no Photoshopping at all (as I often do b/c of my unfortunate double-chin), and not only is the double-chin gone, if you look closely (particularly on the photo's left, my right), you just might see the hint of cheekbones. For real. This is new -- both the lack of an extra chin and the discovery of bones in my face.
Though my ass, she still be bootylicious, I seem to have lost that puffy jowly Boris Yeltsin look. Go me.
Oooh, sexy Teppy cheekbones! And, being bootylicious is a good thing. (I have to believe that, because I'm never getting rid of mine.)