I have sealing wax, but have never used it.
And Laura, you are my sistah in much!
We must stroll the beach when I get to San Diego for Captiva training. Of course I have no idea when I will schedule that since I have been so crazed. The training is boring stuff that won't require more than my showing up. Contractually someone here has to go so I volunteered for obvious reasons. I can't wait to clear some time to get out there.
Nora, a good creative mortgage broker can work miracles. Home ownership is often painful, but I have never regretted it.
Juliana (and anyone else who wants to see snow), I created a buffistas@hotmail.com / foamy login at Snapfish.
P-C, I'll be hurt and heartbroken if you don't mention my new tag, when that happens. I'm all sensitive and stuff.
Nora, a good creative mortgage broker can work miracles.
This is absolutely the key. My broker (and the accountant he referred me to) were essential to my buying. Otherwise I don't think I'd have known where to start. They made it really easy. Also my broker has already re-financed us twice. He's really great about keeping on top of the changing interest rates. Both were no fee re-fis too.
I just watched the waves and felt a lot better.
I miss the ocean sooooo much!!!! When we lived in Rio, I walked the dogs at the beach every single day. The cariocas thought I was nuts for walking in the rain, wind, or really any condition other than complete sun, but it was so good for me. I love to walk and still do it every day, but walking along the ocean is almost spiritual - the waves, the sunrise, the sand....
(I think I'll stop before I get all sad.)
Lovely snow pictures you pink cheeked cutie!
My SIL is down visting and is scheduled to fly back into Newark tomorrow night. Personally I would love for her to get stuck here, but she thinks she has to go back to work and stuff.
P-C, you can skip announcing my tag changes. Thanks.
We must stroll the beach when I get to San Diego for Captiva training.
We are so strolling...
Of course I have no idea when I will schedule that since I have been so crazed.
No worries. Looking forward to seeing you whenever you can make it out here.
When we lived in Rio, I walked the dogs at the beach every single day. The cariocas thought I was nuts for walking in the rain, wind, or really any condition other than complete sun, but it was so good for me.
Nonian, I will walk along the beach anytime pretty much. It is good for you. And me.
Thanks Jess!
I think the answer to this question is no, but is anyone here anti_elgorgo on LJ?
Nonian, I will walk along the beach anytime pretty much. It is good for you. And me.
Okat, it's a date (the next time I'm near your beach...which could be a while).