I just watched the waves and felt a lot better.
I miss the ocean sooooo much!!!! When we lived in Rio, I walked the dogs at the beach every single day. The cariocas thought I was nuts for walking in the rain, wind, or really any condition other than complete sun, but it was so good for me. I love to walk and still do it every day, but walking along the ocean is almost spiritual - the waves, the sunrise, the sand....
(I think I'll stop before I get all sad.)
Lovely snow pictures you pink cheeked cutie!
My SIL is down visting and is scheduled to fly back into Newark tomorrow night. Personally I would love for her to get stuck here, but she thinks she has to go back to work and stuff.
P-C, you can skip announcing my tag changes. Thanks.
We must stroll the beach when I get to San Diego for Captiva training.
We are so strolling...
Of course I have no idea when I will schedule that since I have been so crazed.
No worries. Looking forward to seeing you whenever you can make it out here.
When we lived in Rio, I walked the dogs at the beach every single day. The cariocas thought I was nuts for walking in the rain, wind, or really any condition other than complete sun, but it was so good for me.
Nonian, I will walk along the beach anytime pretty much. It is good for you. And me.
Thanks Jess!
I think the answer to this question is no, but is anyone here anti_elgorgo on LJ?
Nonian, I will walk along the beach anytime pretty much. It is good for you. And me.
Okat, it's a date (the next time I'm near your beach...which could be a while).
You got friended as well?
I don't pay close enough attention to who friends/unfriends me and when but that one popped up.
This isn't the first time I've been friended by what looks like some weird group or person. Anonymous lj was one and then there was another.
but is anyone here anti_elgorgo on LJ?
That's a very *unusual* LJ. I know it's totally possible (including here) but I always think it's creepy that someone I don't know might be reading me.
Okat, it's a date
Definitely. Whenever we are near any kind of similar coast...
Are any Bitches on AIM? I'm kinda having a rough stretch of time right now.