You got friended as well?
I don't pay close enough attention to who friends/unfriends me and when but that one popped up.
This isn't the first time I've been friended by what looks like some weird group or person. Anonymous lj was one and then there was another.
but is anyone here anti_elgorgo on LJ?
That's a very *unusual* LJ. I know it's totally possible (including here) but I always think it's creepy that someone I don't know might be reading me.
Okat, it's a date
Definitely. Whenever we are near any kind of similar coast...
Are any Bitches on AIM? I'm kinda having a rough stretch of time right now.
Car-ma for my car, please. It needs a couple of hundred dollars in fussy work to pass inspection. Our friend the mechanic is saying that age is catching up with the things and parts are getting hard to find. But unless someone gave us a car or was willing to take fifty bucks a month, there is no way we can afford to get a replacement.
P-C, you can skip announcing my tag changes. I don't mind it, but I don't need it either.
I posted about anti-elgorgo in my LJ, and the consensus seems to be he is a nut like person. There are instructions on how to block people in the LJ FAQ-- DX and someone else linked to it in my LJ.
eta: I forgot
{{{Cass}}} Let me know if you feel like getting out of town, or showing someone the Wild Animal Park soon.
Not sure about the out of town right now, Lee. But Wild Animal Park? That's an open invite. I nearly drove up there today just to sit and listen to the tour. Wanna go???
P-C, I'll be hurt and heartbroken if you don't mention my new tag, when that happens. I'm all sensitive and stuff.
Noted. As well as those who requested the opposite.
Cass has a new tag.
Car-ma for connie.
Nora, my Mom bought her house completely by word of mouth and with no agent except for certain legalities (which vary by state -- she's in NJ). It saved everybody money and made some flexibility with the moves (hers and theirs) really easy to manage... they sold her some furniture they'd built for the place, cleaned the gutters after the closing, one of them moved a date, things like that. It was also nice for the neighbors and Mom to alread know each other and the sellers felt good about that. Morris County is an incredibly tight market, probably nearly as bad as Sommerville.
It's a long shot but hey, bring THEM a pie. Maybe they're hoping to move in 4-5 months and feeling out the market now, you just don't know without asking.
Also -- Trudy and GC -- did you guys see the bit of the GG's where Robin Williams was introducing his kids and he said that one of them was a "Hello Kitty" expert? (Or something like that.)
I didn't see this. I'm not a Robin W fan at all, but his HK kid must be cool.
I AM a Robin fan. I'm dying of the cute.